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Showing topics for - Hip Replacement/ Hip Arthroplasty

What is Hip Replacement Surgery? | Dr. Nakul Shah
Hip replacement surgery is a medical procedure designed to restore function and mobility to a damaged, painful, or worn-out hip joint. Over time, c...
Dr. Nakul Shah
Symptoms Indicating the Need for Hip Replacement Surgery - Dr. Nakul Shah
Hip pain can severely impact your quality of life, affecting everything from walking to getting a good night's sleep. In some cases, conservative ...
Dr. Nakul Shah
Indications for Hip Replacement Surgery: When is it Necessary? | Dr. Nakul Shah
Hip replacement surgery is a critical procedure designed to restore mobility and relieve pain in patients with severe hip conditions. There are var...
Dr. Nakul Shah
Knee Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) - Dr Nakul Shah
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), by definition, is a disorder of one or more ossification (growth) centers, characterized by sequential degeneratio...
Dr Nakul Shah - Best Orthopedic Surgeon
Treatments of Hip Conditions
The treatment depends entirely on the cause of the problem. Therefore, it is important that you understand the cause of your symptoms before embark...
Dr. Nakul Shah
Common Causes of Hip Pain
ArthritisArthritis, characterised by progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint, is among the most frequent causes of hip pain. While h...
Dr. Nakul Shah
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